“Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not.”
– Nelson Mandela
The Zandvlei Sports Club (ZSC) is made up of Members from a variety of different Sporting Codes including Canoeing, Canoe Polo, Jiu Jitsu, Pilates, Sailing and Stand-up Paddle Boarding. Within each Sporting Code, Members may choose to remain independent or to join/form a subsection club catering for their specific needs within the bounds of the ZSC Constitution e.g. within the Canoeing Sporting Code is the Peninsula Canoe Club. ZSC is a democratically run umbrella organisation formed by its Members to determine and administer the common interest of all Members in a fair manner.
When each individual member’s Membership Fees are fully paid up for the current calendar year to ZSC, Membership is activated. Subsection clubs may add their own surcharge to the ZSC Membership Fee, which is then reimbursed to that subsection club. As ZSC is run as a non-profit organisation, these funds are all for the maintenance, improvement and day-to-day running of our beautiful premises.
By applying for membership, all members agree to abide by the prevailing constitution, the decisions democratically voted in at AGMs and SGMs, the decisions made by the Executive, and to fully co-operate with the governance and administration of the Club in a positive and constructive manner.
The overall administration is by a Committee. Members vote to democratically elect the Executive positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer Committee Members to represent them in running the affairs of the club. The other positions are separately elected by the constituent clubs and approved at the ZSC AGM.
The current 2024 ZSC Committee consists of:
- Chairman: Siv Sivertsen ommsiv@gmail.com
- Honorary Secretary: Mitch Schafer mitchschafer1@gmail.com
- Honorary Treasurer: Lauri-Anne Veitch
- Member Club Delegate, PCC: Barry Penn penn@icon.co.za
(Regarding Member Club Delegates from IYC and Redham House Rowing Club: Both clubs are no longer members so not applicable. See IYC account below.)
The Clubhouse and grounds and any booking/hiring of the venue are managed by the ZSC Manageress, Tracy Pomeroy-Ward, who can be contacted at manager@zsczandvleisportsclub.co.za or 071 174 3099.
Constitution and forms
ZSC Committee Nomination & Code of Conduct Form