“Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not.”
– Nelson Mandela
The Zandvlei Sports Club (ZSC) is a democratically run umbrella organisation made up of two constituent clubs, Peninsula Canoe Club and Imperial Yacht Club. The ZSC was formed to determine and administer the common interest of all its Members.
All Members of PCC and IYC are Members of ZSC. The bulk of membership fees paid by each member covers their membership of ZSC. As ZSC is run as a non-profit organisation, these funds are all for the maintenance, improvement and day-to-day running of our beautiful premises.
The overall administration is by a Committee. The Executive positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and the general position of Officer House and Grounds are all democratically elected after General Meetings. The other positions are separately elected by the constituent clubs.
The 2022/2023 ZSC Committee consists of:
- Chairman: Rob Hart prhart@iafrica.com
- Honorary Secretary: Lis Hart lishart5614@gmail.com
- Honorary Treasurer: Siv Sivertsen ommsiv@gmail.com
- Officer House and Grounds: Rob Foreman
- PCC delegate: tbc
- IYC delegate: tbc
The Clubhouse and grounds are managed by the ZSC Manager, (post vacant!!)
For info on any booking/hiring of the venue please email pcciyc@gmail.com ..