“Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not.”
– Nelson Mandela
IYC started on the banks of Zandvlei some 40 years before PCC joined them. From about 1947 to 1961, Zandvlei Estuary was too dry/silted up and weed infested to be used and IYC was disbanded for a period.
Prior to 1963 when PCC was founded, Cape paddlers primarily paddled on rivers. The beginnings of PCC were started from Hermon Noys house at Zeekoeivlei, as paddlers got more competitive and started training. From 1963 to 1983, the club grew. Land was obtained from CoCT on the banks of Zeekoeivlei. However, with the growing club, they needed a club house.
At the stage that PCC joined, IYC were a very strong and active club, PCC were a small growing group.
Instead of spending money on a club house at Zeekoevlei, the 2 clubs at that time, agreed to combine premises at Zandvlei and in 1984 the ZSC club was formed as part of a sharing plan.
The sharing of premises and costs was (and still is) a benefit to both clubs.
Initially, PCC used the club on Tuesdays for time trials, IYC sailed on Weekends…. there was a
good relationship.
At the time that PCC joined, canoeing was growing, dinghy sailing was showing signs of peaking, as windsurfing had arrived, and keel boat sailing was growing…………………. thus it made good sense to join forces, so costs could be shared.
The sharing agreement was a good system to allow for membership of the 2 clubs to fluctuate over time, and remain viable clubs, it was clear they both needed (and still need) each other.
The idea that IYC, or PCC, own, or are owed, larger or smaller portions of the ZSC land, is not something the founding members defined. It is not documented in any way other than ZSC being an umbrella entity/committee that leases the land from CoCT for both IYC and PCC to use.
The ZSC constitution is dated 1994.
The clubs have been together almost 40 years and bound by a formal constitution for almost 30 years. We are lucky to still have active members who were involved from the inception of ZSC.
MORE RECENT HISTORY SINCE THE 100-year lease lapsed in 2006:
ZSC remains the entity that leases the land from CoCT.
Importantly, it was formalised as an “umbrella entity”/ committee for the ease of running the 2 member clubs on the shared leased premises. ZSC is not a “club” in its own right.
CoCT lease the land to ZSC so that there remains a “custodian” of sorts, looking after the area for both the environment and use of the community in the form of the current clubs, and protecting it from being used or possibly “taken over” by a commercial venture of some kind.
The CoCT’s view is that ZSC is a good, responsible tenant.
Maintaining the premises comes with costs (Please refer to Summary of expenditure notes below). Due to the easy lease, the upkeep and maintenance of the grounds is to ZSC account. CoCT do not take any responsibility for that. The stalwarts of the repairs and upkeep was (and continues to be) largely a small group of both IYC and PCC members.
Over the years, it became clear that the ongoing maintenance done with minimal costs, and on a “good will” style from these volunteering members, was not sustainable.
The maintenance and temporary repairs were not standing up to regular club use.
It also became clear that the day-to-day running of the club through ad-hoc volunteering members when called on, was no longer viable.
Proper security was needed due to car thefts and personal equipment theft happening while members were on the water.
For these reasons, in around 2008, the following ZSC committee decisions were made:
- Gates and fencing were needed for security.
- Future repairs and maintenance were to be done properly, but cost effectively for longevity.
- A club manager was needed to look after the day-to-day running of the club. (The stipend that ZSC can afford, leads to the necessity of that manager supplementing their income in some way). PCC first took on and paid a club manager for a couple of years, to keep track of, and assist with, the day-to-day issues at the club. After this manager, ZSC then got a manageress/caterer combined (Carol Noah), and PCC initially paid her stipend.
- ZSC was in a bad state financially, with electricity being cut off due to lack of funds to pay for it. By 2010, it had been operating on a 16K annual shortfall. ZSC (and indirectly IYC, also struggling financially due to membership reducing) had been financially assisted by PCC with loans. Serious steps were required to save ZSC and generate a better and more controlled income.
- To avoid on going loans, and to keep track of the loans from PCC, it was also agreed that ZSC expenditure and Special Levies would be split pro rata between IYC and PCC based on the numbers of paying members. Initially in 2010, this was a 80% PCC and 20% IYC financial split, as from around 2008, the IYC membership was already around 1/4 of the PCC membership. The pro rata amount is based on the total number of equivalent full paying members (relative to Ordinary/Adult full annual membership) belonging to each club at the end of their most recent membership year.
A summary of the expenditure since around 2010 is the following:
[An important point for members to take note of, is that all refurbishments done over this time, when funded by (or funding assisted by) ZSC,unless noted otherwise, was done with costs split pro rata between PCC and IYC. This was an agreed split that attempted to mirror the size of membership of the 2 clubs over this period. ]
- Gate and security, 2010, was driven and funded by PCC. Generous funding donated by members.
- Early superficial upgrade to the Ladies change room, 2010, driven and funded by PCC.
- Refurbishment to both Men’s and Ladies change rooms, 2012, driven by PCC
- Regular repairs and maintenance to the geysers, plumbing, electrics, a lot done by IYC stalwarts over the years and more recently guided by K.D. and others.
- Clubhouse roof was re sheeted by Youngman’s, 2015. Project driven by PCC.
- Refurbishment of whole clubhouse for the South African Canoe Marathon Championships in 2015, driven by PCC. This included painting, blinds, window replacement. In this refurbishment, items considered essential, were funded by ZSC, but much of remainder was funded by PCC.
- First round of paving outside the change rooms, 2018, driven and project managed by PCC and funded by ZSC.
- The second round of paving (funded by ZSC) and the refurbishment of the Braai area plus an added Pizza Oven (all funded by PCC), also 2018, was driven by PCC.
- Gas compliance done in 2020, was sponsored by PCC members, with ZSC funding the specialist work.
- Repairs to the lookout and roof flashing, done by IYC members.
- Repairs to the (PCC) timber jetties driven and funded by PCC.
- Bluetooth gate access system, arranged by Barry Penn.
- New roof cover to the braai area done this year, driven, and funded by PCC.
- Annual vlei clean ups driven by Graham Rowe, largely assisted by PCC with support from IYC and their rescue boats.
Over this time, ongoing additional repairs and maintenance to the list above include repairs to the Gate and Gate system, the perimeter fencing, ongoing plumbing and electrics. An electrical compliance certificate was secured, a necessity for Insurance purposes.
Regular members putting up their hands over the last 15 to 20 years to do these repairs and upgrades or drive and project manage them, include among others:
Rob Foreman, Gerfried Nebe, Barbara and Mark Sher, Siv, Graham Rowe, the Harts, Karen D. And more recently other members stepping up include Barry Penn, Estelle Jacobs.
Any one of these people will answer questions and fill in any gaps in information that other newer members may be interested in. If they do not have the answers, they will be able to give direction on who to approach. Please ask questions and join in.
A direct result of the of the more recent years of expenditure, and a proactive, enthusiastic club manager (Karen D), is that the club is looking the best it has ever looked.
It is apparent some newer members making up a small percentage of the membership are disgruntled with this more recent expenditure.
Some labels and phrases, among others, are “unnecessary”, “unexplained”, “no management of costs”. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of the members do describe the club now as “fantastic”, “amazing”, “appreciated”, “impressive”, “never looked better”.
HALL HIRE AND COSTS OF HALL HIRE – basic look at numbers
Covid lockdown gives us a quick, easy way to look at numbers/costs of hall hire. These numbers are using the Treasurer’s report ending 30 April 2020.
Numbers for any given year will change, but conservatively, this will work as a “snapshot”
- Hall hire occurs roughly on average 3x per month; thus I will use 3 days out of
- Electricity and water are used every
Total of R66 449 for 2020, thus R5540 or R179 per day
- During lockdown, there was no Hall Hire. There was no membership use of the club either. The costs of water and electricity dropped by less than R1600 per month. So, the basic running costs of Electricity remained at around R 3940, R127 per day.
Total use during typical use for 2020, adds R52 per day (Hall Hire & members)
- Water and Elec is not used exclusively on the Hall Hire days, but for ease of the “snapshot”, I will assume it
For 3 days 3×52, thus R156-00
- Salary and wages are not used exclusively on the Hall Hire days, but for ease of the “snapshot”, I will assume it
Total of R180 600 for 2020, thus R495 per day (365 days/yr) For 3 days 3×495, thus R 1 485-00
- Conservatively, I assume then that Hall Hire costs ZSC around R 1 641-00 per Thus R 19 692-00 per year
- Hall Hire (LESS D. SHARE) is R78 094-00 for 2020
- Hall Hire summary of Income vs Costs is thus, simplified as INCOME R78 094-00 vs COSTS R 19 692-00
There are different ways to look at these expenses. I have tried to make an easy “snapshot” that is transparent, and this conservative method clearly shows the Hall Hire assists us. The treasurer’s report and Hall Hire information is available for interrogation if required. If members feel it requires reading of water meters etc, to prove the numbers, anyone can take that task on.
If members are uncomfortable with the idea of Hall Hire, bear in mind that these funds are used to maintain the premises. They are not used for gain in any way. As responsible tenants, we are using these funds for the upkeep and ongoing maintenance of this very special area we are the custodians of.
Many thanks to Lis Hart for preparing this history and breakdown of the costs of Hall Hire