Club Terms and Conditions

By applying for or renewing membership, all members agree to abide by the prevailing constitution, the decisions democratically voted in at AGMs and SGMs, the decisions made by the Executive, and to fully co-operate with the governance and administration of the Club in a positive and constructive manner.

A valid member is someone who has submitted a membership application which has subsequently been validated by the ZSC manager. Applications submitted to will only be processed once proof of FULL payment has been received by. Current Members who have not submitted their renewal and paid in full by 31 January will be deemed a Lapsed Member and will not be eligible for any Earlybird discount (if applicable).

Each year every existing Member, including all Additional Family Members, needs to renew their membership for the new season on a) the ZSC Membership Portal , or b) via the Quick Register me now! link on the automatically generated renewal reminder, acknowledging that they agree to the Terms and Conditions of membership and Code of Conduct. You are solely liable for any actions arising from your failure to do so.

Simply depositing any payment into the ZSC bank account without renewal on a) the ZSC Membership Portal , or b) via the Quick Register me now! link on the automatically generated renewal reminder, does not constitute active membership or secure previously rented racks or storage allocations.

Any member whose subscription remains unpaid and has not submitted a renewal application after 31 January shall cease to be a Member of the Club.

Access to the premises of Zandvlei Sports Club is administered by our ZSC Club Manager, Tracy Pomeroy-Ward, who helps part-time at the Club and can be reached by phoning 071 174 3099 or 021 788 4813.

Your cell phone number will only be added to the access database when all your membership details are in order and your proof of payment for the correct amount has been received.

The Zandvlei Sports Club Committee and the various affiliated Club Committees are made up of unpaid volunteers who generously donate their time to run the administrative affairs of the club, and can only do so when their own work and family commitments allow, so please be patient if any Club matters take a little while to be resolved.

To gain access to the Club premises, download the G-REMOTE mobile app from Google Play or the Apple App Store onto your phone. When your number is in the system, “Zandvlei Sports Club” will show up in the device list.

When you tap on this, an “Entry” and “Exit” button will show on the screen.

Tapping on a button sends a signal to open the gate. Sometimes it doesn’t work first time because the system is updating but after a few more attempts the signal usually goes through.

G-REMOTE works erratically when there is load- shedding, and also the cellphone signals are not recognised if the cell-phone network is overloaded. So we also use a Bluetooth system which is more predictably reliable to open the gates:

Download the app Bluelock Web either from the App Store  or Google Play Store  

Ensure Bluetooth on your smartphone is turned on.

Tracy, the Club Manageress will send your phone two messages with token codes, one for the entry gate and one for the exit gate. Enter these codes into the app, and a tab will appear on the app for each gate. Then anytime you need to open a gate, open the Bluelock Web app and touch the tab for the gate you wish to open when you are within 25m it.

These token codes are specific for each member’s phone number and for each gate.

You must allow the gate to close normally behind the car entering or exiting ahead of you (no tailgating).

Should you tailgate and crash into the closing gate, you will be fully liable for all damages.

When the gates are opened, the security system logs the identity of the member and the time of entry. Any unusual patterns of use or unauthorised use are also recorded.

There is keypad access to Male and Female Changing Rooms and Boat Racks. The Club Manageress will tell you the current pass-code.

The premises are also monitored by CCTV.

If you open a gate or door, you are responsible for ensuring that it is closed behind you.

If a gate or door is left open (whether by interfering with the self-closing mechanism or otherwise) the system will show you as the last person accessing the area. You will be called to account and held liable for any problems which may arise as a result of your actions or negligence.

You may not help provide access to anyone else as membership is personal and not transferable.

You may not provide access for non-members to habitually gain access and you must comply with the spirit of the governing Club constitutional rule regarding non-members.  If someone is not able to use their own cell phone to open the gates, they are to be assumed to be either a non-member or no longer a member. If you assist a non-member to bypass access control or security in suspicious circumstances, your membership may be terminated.

Your membership may not be traded, transferred or assigned to any other person.

All members (including all Junior Members) are responsible for their own access, except for Guppies and Family Members under the age of 12 years who then fall under the care of a parent.

Non-member parents of Junior Members may add a maximum of two Parental Access cell phone numbers per family to aid in the ferrying of their children.  Whilst on Club premises, Parent Access holders will be accorded the status of Visiting Member. They will be subject to all the same regulations applicable to members.

Dogs are not permitted on the premises.

Access will be denied if membership fees are in arrears.

The Club reserves the right to suspend or terminate the membership of any member, or refer to SAP for prosecution any person interfering or tampering with the access control system or compromising security in any manner.

If your cell phone is not granting you access, please contact the Club Manageress as soon as possible. There may be a power failure or computer malfunction affecting the system, or an issue involving your membership.

No person may steal, borrow or in any manner tamper with or use another member’s boat or a Club Boat, or interfere in any way with impounded boats, without permission.  Contravention of this rule may lead to disciplinary action. Possible sanctions are referral to SAP for prosecution, a fine being imposed or membership suspended or terminated.

ZSC Boats and the various affiliated Clubs’ Boats are for use during supervised training only with a ZSC recognised coach or with the permission of a member of the Executive Committee. Additional guidelines from the the various affiliated Club Committees for the use of  their Club Boats must be adhered to.

Should any of your contact details change throughout the course of the year, please correct them by logging on to the ZSC Membership Portal and updating your details there.  You are solely liable for any actions arising from your failure to do so.

The Management and Committee members all have limited time available, and are therefore unable to chase up after members who are lax with their personal administration.

The onus is on individual members to ensure that the correct procedures are followed for Membership applications and renewals on the ZSC Membership Portal .

All Club memberships expire on 31 December.

If you do not renew your membership, your access to the Club is deactivated.


All sports can be potentially hazardous at times. It is thus important that Members participating in all activities at the Club be aware and understand that they do so at their own risk. Also, while ZSC and the various affiliated Club Committees will endeavour to ensure the safety of all who participate, it is the responsibility of everybody participating in activities to look to their own safety and best interests.

The club cannot be held liable for the damage, loss or theft of any personal articles (including but not limited to boats, paddles, equipment, vehicles, clothing and valuables) whilst at the club premises. It is the responsibility of each member to take every precaution necessary to ensure his or her personal property is secure.

Storage and Boat Rack Rental Terms and Conditions

Boat Racks/storage bays are provided as a privilege for full Members only (i.e. three-month temporary members may not rent storage space.)

The procedure for renting storage is via the ZSC Membership Portal online membership application process. This is administered by the ZSC Manager, Tracy Pomeroy-Ward (071 174 3099 or email address:

All rental periods expire on December 31 each year.

As they are the cornerstone of our finances and used to subsidise all other fees, the rental fee is only one non-negotiable rate and is regardless of when the rental period begins. (i.e. no half-year or monthly rates)

Members renewing before 31 January will be able to renew or cancel racks/storage bays they rented the previous season. After 31 January unpaid racks/storage bays are released/no longer reserved. Former members then requiring racks/storage bays will be randomly allocated the next available rack. (Once paid for and processed, racks/storage bays can be swopped by asking the ZSC Manager to do so)

Only one boat is to be housed in any rack/storage space. If more then one boat is found in a rack/storage space, one will be impounded.

The canoe racks are identified by a number from 1-134 and a letter from A-D. The number relates to the position of the column and the letters relate to the row.  A is at the top and D at the bottom.

It is strongly recommended that you lock your boats in your correct rack/storage space for additional security and so that no one else can move them or interfere with them in any way. You are responsible for ensuring that your boat is not placed in a rack/storage bay which is not rented by you. If this happens it will be impounded.

It is recommended that all boats or trailers stored display the name of the owner and the appropriate rack/storage space number on the vehicle or on the right hand side of the boat, directly in front of the rudder and above the water line, at all times. (If you have paid for a rack/storage bay and your boat is then found in the wrong rack/storage bay by another member, that member will be able to see where it belongs and may choose to simply return it to its correct place, rather than arranging to have it impounded. Similarly, if someone borrows your boat, that person can then make sure it is returned to the correct rack/storage bay by checking the rack/storage bay number written on the boat. If they misplace it, it will be impounded and you will have to pay the release fee.)

ZSC reserves the right to impound any squatting trailer/boat i.e. any boat which is found in a rack/storage bay not paid for by the boat owner, any boat left on the lawn, or any boat found stored anywhere else apart from a rack/storage bay.

If it is necessary to cut a chain to remove a boat or any other equipment squatting in a rack/storage bays, the owner of the chain is solely liable for the expense of replacing that chain.

Should you find another boat squatting in your rack space/storage bay, please remove it and place it on the lawn. (Boats left on the lawn are later impounded). Should the boat be locked in your rack/storage bay, contact the ZSC Manager Tracy at 071 174 3099 or and she will remove the boat for you.

Impounded boats/trailers are subject to a release fee equivalent to the current annual standard boat rack/storage bay rental rate where it should have been stored.

Should the Club have retained an impounded boat, in the case of a lengthy lapse of membership there will be an additional release fee equivalent to the number of full years since the membership was active multiplied by the current annual normal boat rack/storage bay rental rate.

To arrange release of an impounded boat, either show proof of payment for the full current storage fee, made to ZSC:

Bank: Standard Bank
Account name: Zandvlei Sports Club
Branch code: Universal code 051001
Account number: 72095954

Please use the word “release” and your name as a reference when making a payment and send your proof of payment to (Tracy Pomeroy-Ward, the Club Manageress) or pay the release fee in cash directly to Tracy. Tracy will then release the boat. (Contact details for Tracy are 0217884813 or 071 174 3099.) As a security measure, if she does not know you by name, she may ask for some form of  i.d. 

Impounded boats that are unclaimed or not released within 30 days may either be sold with all proceeds accruing to the Club, or otherwise disposed of.

If you donate your storage/rack space to another member, please advise the ZSC Manager by email.

If you are not sure of your allocated rack/storage bay number, you can check it with your details on the ZSC Membership Portal .

Boats are stored at your own risk and the Club is not liable for any damage or loss which may occur. It is recommended that if you are not going to be checking on your boats frequently that they are stored upside down so that there is no risk of them gathering water and becoming damaged.

Access Terms and Conditions apply as per normal. This means you must ensure that the gate is closed after you when you leave the Boat yard area. If someone else is still in the area, please check that they know that they must close the gate when they leave. The person who opened the gate is the one held accountable, so before you leave the Club, it is prudent to check that the gate was closed.

Tracy, the ZSC Club Manageress, can be contacted at 021 788 4813 or 071 174 3099. .

Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure


The ZSC Committee has developed procedures and protocols to ensure the smooth running of the Club. To ensure the effective and efficient running of the Club it has been necessary to publish new guidelines regarding all aspects of the Club.

Revision of such guidelines takes place in the light of experience and as a result of feedback from members. This document, Zandvlei Sports Club’s Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, is a guide to Members which summarises the Club’s expectations of its Members and that of their guests, and details the procedures to be followed by a Member making a complaint.

The guide also outlines the process the Zandvlei Sports Club Committee will follow in dealing with complaints.


This code of conduct is designed in light of experience to enhance the values of our Club and to ensure that all members, their guests, and visitors enjoy the amenities of our pleasant, family friendly environment. Zandvlei Sports Club endorses the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport.

The Club promotes the values of:

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Fairness

This code applies to all Members of Zandvlei Sports Club. For the purposes of this code Zandvlei Sports Club uses the following definitions:


An written expression of dissatisfaction of a Member, sent by email, that requires a response from the Club Committee at their sole discretion.


Misconduct, for the purposes of this Code, is the improper interference in the broadest sense with the proper functioning or activities of the Club, its Members, visitors, or employees. Subject to the general definition above, the following shall, inter alia, constitute misconduct:

  • Disruption of, or improper interference with the administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the Club, whether on Club premises or elsewhere.
  • Obstruction of or improper interference with the functions, duties or activities of any fellow member, member of staff or other employee of the Club or any visitor.
  • Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, or offensive behaviour or language whilst on Club premises or engaged in any Club activity.
  • Fraud, theft, deceit, deception, or dishonesty in relation to the club or its staff or in connection with holding any office in the Club or in relation to being a member of the Club.
  • Behaviour likely to cause injury or impair safety on Club premises.
  • Sexual, racial, gender or any other form of personal harassment of any fellow Member, member of staff or other employee of the Club, or any visitor.
  • Damage to or defacement or improper use of club property, the property of other Club Members whether caused intentionally or recklessly, or the misappropriation or misuse of such property. Misuse or unauthorised use of Club premises or items of property (including the unauthorised use of Members’ craft), and including inappropriate use of personal devices.
  • Conduct which constitutes a criminal offence where that conduct takes place on Club premises, or affects or concerns other Members of the Club or members of the public, or itself constitutes misconduct within the terms of this code, or is an offence of dishonesty, where the Member holds an office of responsibility in the Club
  • Conduct, which contravenes a previously imposed penalty, requirement or undertaking under this code.
  • Absolutely no illicit drug activity is permitted on the premises of Zandvlei Sports Club. Any person or persons caught using or selling narcotics will be prosecuted.
  • The use of any unfair means in competition, although these complaints generally will be referred to the relevant affiliated Club/Sporting Code Committee.

Disciplinary Procedures

The Committee of Zandvlei Sports Club will deal with all Club disciplinary matters. A sub-committee may be formed by the Committee to consider a complaint within the competency of the Committee.

All matters which breach this code of conduct shall be processed as follows:

  • The Club Committee or sub-committee, after receiving a complaint, may decide that the complaint does not constitute a serious enough issue to warrant further investigation and a hearing. The complainant will be so advised.
  • If the Club Committee or sub-committee having considered the alleged complaint is of the view that the complaint is of serious enough nature to investigate further, it shall cause to obtain written statements from the complainant and any other witnesses or person who may have knowledge about the incident.
  • After receipt of written statements, the Club Committee or sub-committee will then decide to either conduct an inquiry where parties involved will be called upon to attend a hearing to discuss what transpired or to conduct a disciplinary hearing.
  • If an inquiry is called for and convened the Club committee or sub-committee may, at its sole discretion, decide to finalise the matter there and then, provided that apart from a reprimand no further sanction may be imposed unless a party agrees thereto. If it appears to the Club Committee or sub-committee that the matter is more serious than anticipated, it can refer the matter for a disciplinary hearing.
  • If the Club Committee or sub-committee decides to conduct a disciplinary hearing, it will inform the person implicated when and where the hearing will be held and inform him or her in writing of the allegations. The implicated person will be informed that he or she has the right to call witnesses and to cross-examine witnesses called on behalf of the Club.

Note: No action will be taken by the Committee where reports of an incident are only overheard and commented on casually.

The following procedure must be followed by a Member laying a complaint:

  1. Report the incident as soon as possible to a member of management or to a Club Committee member.
  2. Put the complaint in writing and forward it to the Club Chairperson.
  3. The complainant must avail himself or herself to provide oral evidence at a disciplinary hearing and be cross examined, or to take part in a general discussion at an inquiry.
  4. Abstain from confronting the alleged wrongdoer.
  5. Written complaint (including email) must be sent to the Club Chairperson no later than 10 days after the incident. If the complaint directly involves the Club Chairperson, the complaint should be addressed to the Secretary or Captain of the Club.

Once the complaints’ procedure is initiated by the Committee because of any of the above, the following procedure will apply:

  1. The Member will be notified in writing of the complaint against him/her. A copy of the complaint will be enclosed. The Member will be given at least 7 days’ notice to attend the meeting for the purpose of responding to the complaint. Failure by the Member to attend this meeting, without good cause, will result in immediate sanction. If the complaint is challenged, the matter will be fully investigated. All parties to the complaint and relevant witnesses may be interviewed, if deemed necessary, by the Committee
  2. Having considered all the facts, the Committee will decide whether to uphold the complaint. If the complaint is upheld the Committee will decide what sanction is appropriate. In the case of a complaint being referred to a sub-committee, its findings will be considered by the Committee in reaching its decision. The details of the decision will be recorded and minuted.
  3. The Member will be informed of the committee’s decision in writing within 7 days. The Member may appeal the decision in writing to the Chairperson within 10 days of receipt of the decision. The Committee will then refer the appeal to the Disciplinary Appeals Committee.
  4. The Disciplinary Appeals Committee will consist of three full Members of the Club who are not members of the Club Committee but have a judiciary background or a record of good administrative service at the Club e.g. former Chairpersons. The Disciplinary Appeals Committee must meet within 7 days of receipt of the appeal. Its deliberations will include consideration of all the facts already presented, any new evidence that may be relevant and may include recalling witnesses.
  5. The Disciplinary Appeals Committee must present its findings in writing to the Committee within 7 days of reaching their decision. The decision of the Disciplinary Appeals Committee will be final.


Any one or more of the following penalties may be imposed for a breach of the Club’s Code of Conduct:

  1. A reprimand.
  2. A written warning as to future conduct.
  3. Suspension from membership of the Club and its facilities and activities for a determined period.
  4. Proposal to the relevant sporting code governing body to suspend member.
  5. A requirement from the Committee that the Member gives an undertaking as to future conduct in such terms and containing such conditions as the Committee may prescribe. A breach of this undertaking will constitute misconduct.
  6. Expulsion from Zandvlei Sports Club and all its activities.
  7. Such other penalties as determined from time to time by the Committee including but not limited to referral to SAP for prosecution.