- Log in to the ZSC Membership Portal by entering your log-in password in the Login box and clicking “Login”;
- Click on the yellow “Membership” tab;
- Then click on the yellow “Racks” tab;
- Then click on the yellow “Renew, cancel or add Rack” tab;
- Next to each of your existing racks listed in the blue table there is a square check box in front of each of the options of Renew CancelIgnore. The one for Renew will be blued out and you will not be able to click on it. VERY IMPORTANT: Check the box for “Ignore” for each of your existing racks. Depending on your operating system, this check box may not be on the same line as the word “Ignore”, in which case it is in the line above, immediately after the word “Cancel”, so click the box after “Cancel”;
- If you want a normal rack, go to the bottom line of the blue table (“Extra Standard Boat Racks @ RXXX”) and select how many additional racks you want from the drop-down menu;
- If you need a wider rack because you have an extra wide boat, go to the second-last line of the blue table (“Extra Wide Boat Racks @ RXXX”) and select how many you want from the drop-down menu;
- Then click on the yellow “Submit” tab below that.
- Then deposit your complete payment into the ZSC bank account using YOUR NAME as reference, and finally
- Send your proof of payment confirmation to reg@peninsula-canoe.org.za.
Bank: Standard Bank
Account name: Zandvlei Sports Club
Branch code: Universal code 051001
Account number: 72095954
The system will then allocate you a rack randomly from the free ones available.
You will automatically be sent an email confirming the position of the rack that has been allocated to you pending receipt of proof of payment.
When your proof of payment has been seen by the Membership Administrator and marked as paid up on the system, you will be able to swap your rack to another available position if it is not in a suitable place.