As a condition to being granted access to the Club to enable you to pick up/collect a Junior/Guppy Member you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Membership as if you were a member.
Access as a Parent does not entitle you to any of the privileges granted to full Members like use of the showers etc.
Please remember that each and every year you will need to renew your access application for the new season on the ZSC Membership Portal.
New Members:
If you are the the parent of a new member or have never registered on the ZSC Membership Portal in your own name, please follow all the steps from 3 to 17 in the list lower down on this page.
Steps 3 to 5 generate a password for you to log in to the membership app, and then steps 6 to 17 are where you complete your application for access as a parent.
Earlybird Members:
If you have not renewed for the new year, we will endeavour to email you renewal reminders at the beginning of the year prompting you to “Quick Register me now!” through a link in the email. The “Quick Register me now!” links are only active until 31 January.
Lapsed/Late Renewing/Former Members:
If you are an existing member’s parent and have been on the database at any time since 2013, your details will be on the ZSC Membership Portal. Follow the instructions below from step 6 to 17.
If you were on the database before 2016 and have forgotten your ZSC Membership Portal password to login, first try your ID number. If that does not work or you first joined the club after 2016, then you need to email Tracy at She will send you an e-mail with your password.

Click Here to go to the ZSC Membership Portal
- All membership matters are arranged online through a website called the ZSC Membership Portal
- When you go to this site, the Login page will display.
- If you have never used the ZSC Membership Portal and don’t already have a password to log in, you will need to enter your details into the ZSC Membership Portal database to get your own Zone Login ID. This is the password to be used when applying for/renewing membership. To get started please click here.
- Enter ALL the relevant details in the form displayed and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. Make sure your email address is correct!
- Your ZSC Membership Portal log-in password (Zone Login ID) will then show up on the screen as with the message “We have processed your information and your Zone Login ID is XXXXXXX” . Highlight the password (Zone Login ID) and copy it. (It will also be e-mailed to you, your password will be shown in brackets in the subject line after the word “zoneid”. It is also shown after the words “Zone ID” in the body of the email, under the details you entered. It will look something like this: Zone ID: fFJPEEmc .) (if these don’t happen, please email Tracy at
- You can then either click on the yellow “Membership” tab shown on this screen, or go back to the Paddlers’ Zone login page, then log into the ZSC Membership Portal by pasting your log-in password into the Login box and clicking “Login”.
- You should now see the Home page of the ZSC Membership Portal with the phrase “<your first name>, welcome to the ZSC Membership Portal” displayed.
- Click on the yellow “Membership” tab (your cursor will only go live when it is directly over the words “Membership”) (Sometimes the system has a hiccup here and asks you to log in again. If it does, log in and click “Membership” again and all will be fine);
- Then click on the yellow “Full Registration” tab;
- Click on the link to read the Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct;
- Click on the yellow “I agree to the Terms & Conditions” tab – it won’t change colour or anything but it will have logged your click;
- Then click on the “Proceed with Registration” tab below that;
- Choose how you may help the club then click “Next”;
- You will see the “Your Personal Details” page so you can change your password to your choice in the very top line. Family members cannot share the same password; each member must have a unique password as the system will only recognise one member with this password. Check your details then click “Next”;
- Pick “Parent Access” for your membership option then click “Next”;
- Click on the yellow “Next” tab below Club Fees – Parent Access in the Registration (Fees) window;
- In the Registration (Summary) page which is then displayed click “Submit”
- You’re done!
You will then receive an email with the subject “Membership pending: Waiting for Proof of Payment” confirming your application has been submitted.
How to open the gates at the Club:
Access Control is administered by the Club Manageress, Tracy Pomeroy-Ward, who helps part-time at the Club and can be reached by phoning 071 174 3099 or by emailing:
When your child’s membership is fully paid up and you have received an email advising that you are successfully registered on the database for the current year, please allow a couple of days for your access to be activated. If after a few days you have any problems with access to the Club, please contact Tracy.
First of all, your membership needs to be activated. When this is done you receive an email advising that you are successfully registered. Only then can the Clubhouse Manageress load your cell number onto the access control system when she is next on site. (She is only there part-time.)
Go onto the Google Play Store and download and install an app called G-REMOTE on to your phone.
When your number has been entered on the system, “Zandvlei Sports Club” will show up in the device list.
When you tap on this one, an “Entry” and “Exit” button will show on the screen.
Tapping on a button sends a signal to open the gate. Sometimes it doesn’t work first time because the system is updating but after a few more attempts the signal usually goes through.
G-REMOTE works erratically when there is load- shedding, and also the cellphone signals are not recognised if the cell-phone network is overloaded. So we also use a Bluetooth system which is more predictably reliable to open the gates:
Download the app Bluelock Web either from the App Store or Google Play Store
Ensure Bluetooth on your smartphone is turned on.
Contact Tracy, the Club Manageress, by phoning 071 174 3099 and she will then send your phone two messages with token codes, one for the entry gate and one for the exit gate. Enter these codes into the app, and a tab will appear on the app for each gate. Then anytime you need to open a gate, open the Bluelock Web app and touch the tab for the gate you wish to open when you are within 25m it.
These token codes are specific for each member’s phone number and for each gate.
You must allow the gate to close normally behind the car entering or exiting ahead of you (no tailgating).
Should you tailgate and crash into the closing gate, you will be fully liable for all damages.